Skin Rashes And Your Health

>> Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Rashes develop for many different reasons and the types of rash that exist are just as various. There are spotty rashes, itchy rashes, blotchy rashes and lumpy rashes.

 Deciding what has caused a particular rash is hardly ever easy but there are sometimes useful clues. For example, if someone who is taking a medicine of any kind develops ~ rash, there is a good chance that the rash and the medicine are linked.

Similarly, many rashes are caused by allergy reactions, so changing soap powder or using a new type of deodorant or perfume can result in the development of a rash. If you suspect that a rash is caused by a drug side effect or an allergy, the best way to relieve any associated symptoms (the commonest being itching) is to apply calamine lotion. You should also see your doctor, particularly if the problem could be related to a prescribed medicine.

 Differentiating between the various types of rash produced by infectious diseases is never easy - even for doctors.

 Chickenpox is one of the easiest to recognize since, although the disease commonly starts with a red, blotchy rash, the spots become watery blisters fairly quickly. A measles rash usually starts at the back of the neck and consists of small red spots grouped together to form red blotches. These eventually appear over the whole of the body.

A rubella or German measles rash tends to consist of small, flat pink spots but these also can run together to form red patches or blotches, making it difficult to distinguish the rash from that of ordinary measles. If the rash is confined to the face then it is possibly acne, if it is accompanied by severe pain then shingles are a leading contender. On the feet, athlete's foot is a possible diagnosis and when rashes appear between two areas of skin which rub together then it is very likely to be intertrigo.

When a rash consists of weeping, pus-filled spots, impetigo is a likely explanation. Among babies and young children, ordinary heat rash is the commonest rash. Although it usually occurs, as its name suggests, in warm weather a heat rash can also develop in the cold if the baby is covered with too many clothes or bed-clothes. Heat rashes usually begin on the cheeks, shoulders, bottom and skin creases and consist of pinhead-sized red spots.

Red-headed and blond children are the ones most likely to suffer and the most important thing to do is to try to keep the child fairly cool. Nappy rashes are very common, too, among children. These tend to be red, rough and rather scaly, and are usually caused either by the contact between urine and the skin or by the use of a too powerful detergent. From all this, you will see why rashes can be exceedingly difficult to diagnose. I certainly think that if you find a rash that you cannot- identify with absolute certainty then you should ask your doctor for help.
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Body Rashes �� Home Remedies For Body Rashes

Body rash is a common problem that can affect virtually any person. It is a kind of inflammation or eruption that takes place on the surface of skin. Talking about the body rash symptoms, red color blisters occur on the skin that can be itchy or non itchy.

When such body rashes develop, the texture of the skin changes. Also, there is a burning sensation on the affected area.Body rashes may or may not be contagious. Some of the body rashes affect the whole body (termed as a generalized), where as others appear on discrete areas of the skin (termed as a localized). Skin rashes can be self limiting or require medications.

 Body rash is an inflammation on the surface of the skin. Due to this, the skin color and texture changes. It is often associated with itching, stinging or a burning sensation. This sudden outbreak of rashes could be due to a new cosmetic cream, allergic food reaction or an irritation. Allergies can be caused by food, plants, animals, insects or any chemicals. All body rashes are not contagious, but some of them are.

 The rash begins as discrete macules (red spots) on the face that spread to the neck, trunk, and extremities. The macules may coalesce on the trunk. Appearance of the rash corresponds with the appearance of rubella-specific antibody. The exanthem lasts 1-3 days, first leaving the face and may be followed by desquamation.

On occasion a nonspecific enanthem (Forscheimer's spots) of pinpoint red macules and petechiae can be seen over the soft palate and uvula just before or with the exanthem. The hallmark of rubella is the generalized tender lymphadenopathy which involves all nodes, but which is most striking in the suboccipital, postauricular, and anterior and posterior cervical nodes.

 Home Remedies for Body Rashes

 If you get a mysterious rash around your mouth, it could be caused by your toothpaste: Tartar control toothpastes (but not other types) contain compounds that leave skin cracked and cause redness and itching around the corners of your mouth. Soak a cloth in comfrey tea or calcium water. And place it on the rash area. You can make Calcium Water preparation by mixing a spoonful of calcium gluconate powder in a cup of water.

 Applying a lotion of crushed vitamin C tablets and water directly on skin may cure many rashes because of the vitamin's antioxidant qualities, says Douglas Darr, Ph.D., assistant medical research professor at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina. "In fact, some cosmetic moisturizers brag that they have vitamin C in them, but the concentrations are usually so low that it's probably degraded even before the consumer buys it.

 Pour a cup of uncooked oatmeal into your bathwater and soak in the tub for natural treatment of body rash. It relieves inflammation. Blanch nettle leaves, smear on the rash with a cotton ball (also good for babies). Repeat as many times as you need. An oatmeal bath is thought to be effective in treating body rash as it relieves inflammation.

Pour a cup of uncooked oatmeal into your bathwater and soak in the tub for best results. Spices and other foods to tackle the offending foreign element in the body that is causing the pain or infection instead of flushing the body with hundreds of milligrams of strong chemicals in the form of antibiotics. Though essential for chronic conditions, antibiotics are not always necessary and are best avoided, especially for a lot of minor ailments.
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The Significance Of Nurturing Your Sensitive Skin And Stopping Allergy

>> Saturday, November 2, 2013

By Rosalva Dumont

The skin is the largest organ in the body. Skin diseases, such as hives, can be very embarrassing to the affected patients especially when rashes form on the skin. Taking care of skin to avoid the onset of these diseases should be considered a critical issue by any individual who does not wish to become part of this embarrassment. Every person has a duty to engage in activities that enhance the skin care to prevent potential skin infections.

Problems of skins are common to people of all ages. Whether young and old, everyone has a responsibility to ensure that his skin is well treated and protected at all times. The diseases range from itchy skin to skin rashes, skin tags, skin bumps, skin fungus infections.

People with oily skin should talk to their doctors about that particular condition so that the physician can determine the possible ways of addressing their conditions. It should be remembered that it plays a fundamental role of ensuring that the entire body is protected against disease causing organisms. As such, effective skin care is a guard against the whole body.

Skins that are well taken care of are able to insulate the body sufficiently against heat and cold. Such an organ effectively regulates the temperature, feel or sensation and efficient synthesis of vitamin D. In most cases, hives are considered as isolated, but the patients ought to be very careful since some of them could be manifestations of other diseases that could be internal.

In the past, sunbathing was recommended as an effective practice of caring for skin. As time went by, people became increasingly busy to waste time sunbathing outside. As a result, the use of indoor tanning beds and booths in the tanning salons started to gain momentum.

Diseases such as staph have a number of signs that patients should look out for. The symptoms will apparently be evident where the bacteria causing this infection exist within the body. If the bacteria prominently infect the skin, then it causes a number of skin related problems.

Everyone has a responsibility to ensure that his skin is well taken care of to avoid most of these diseases that may be life threatening like hives. Efficient care of skin will eliminate cases of skin rashes and other conditions that may tremendously reduce the self esteem and social happiness of the real and potential patients. The care of skin also protects the body from pathogens that may get into the body and cause other adverse conditions.

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Skin rash can be caused due to a variety of factors. Bacterial infection, reaction to vaccination, sunburn, fungal infections and eczema are just some of the common causes. In children, certain types of rash can be symptoms of a more serious complication. Let us examine some of the major types of skin rashes and their causes.


P.S The symptoms of psoriasis can manifest in a variety of forms Get It Here NOW

P.P.S Dermatological Treatment covers all aspects of the treatment of skin disease, including the use of topical and systematically administered drugs Just Click Here

P.P.P.S " Eczema causes the following symptoms and signs: itch, red, bumpy, weeping " Just Click Here

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